Kaine Signs on to Medicare Prescription Drug Act

Kaine signs on to Medicare Prescription Drug Act

Filed under: prescription drug abuse help

The Medicare Prescription Drug Price Negotiation Act would allow Medicare to use the same price negotiation process that takes place in the Veterans Administration, in order to help lower the cost of prescription drugs for seniors. Under this bill the …
Read more on Augusta Free Press (press release) (blog)


Illicit Use of Prescription Drugs Widespread Among College Students

Filed under: prescription drug abuse help

Of the students surveyed, almost three-quarters (71%) said that sharing of prescription drugs was somewhat or very common among their acquaintances. Almost a third (31%) said they or their friends had taken prescription medications to help them study …
Read more on Pharmacy Times


'Sober Minders' Help CEOs Stay Off Booze, Drugs

Filed under: prescription drug abuse help

The medical community has reported an explosion in the number of white-collar workers addicted to alcohol and prescription drugs. In March, psychologists in New York City reported a 35 percent increase in the number of referrals of Wall Street …
Read more on HispanicBusiness.com