Is There Any Kind of Doctor or Like Clinic That Could Diagnose a Hard Drug Addiction?

Question by Eric: Is there any kind of doctor or like clinic that could diagnose a hard drug addiction?
Or a type of hypnosis? To help someone in my family quit drugs? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by ToxLabRat
Just about any doctor can make a diagnosis in the case of a patient presenting with drug abuse and dependency issues. Addiction is pretty simple to spot. It is the formulation of an approach which encompasses both therapeutic rehabilitation as well as the managing of physiological repercussions which manifests as those symptoms most associate with detoxing or withdrawal from the drug(s).

Once a patient has been diagnosed with a drug dependency/addiction problem then it is typically necessary to get them to a medical practice which deals primarily with these type issues. Most of these places will have medical professionals who cover all of the various aspects of such treatment. Because every patient is going to be unique (some more unique than others) it is necessary to tailor a treatment plan to each patient on an individual level. Some patients will require much more intensive therapy which usually consists of up to a year of inpatient therapy, counseling and treatment. Many of these patients also have to be treated with Rx medications during the first few weeks of abstaining from their drugs of choice. Then there are some patients who are not quite as severe in their presentation than others. These patients can typically be treated as an outpatient in tandem with joining support groups or therapy groups.

It is all going to depend on the patient and what their specific needs may be as to what type of approach will be best. It is possible that hypnosis could be an avenue to try, but again this is something that I would consult with a specialist in drug addiction medicine about before jumping into it. Unfortunately their are many places out there which offer these quick fix cures for everything and you travel to these places and throw down loads of cash only to realize after it is too late that it was nothing more than a scam.

I would look up drug addiction specialists in your area. You should not find it very difficult to locate one in the area in which you live. Tragically drug and substance abuse is a problem that has only gotten worse, and just like any other business-supply versus demand is a must, so the more people who need the help, the more of these specialized clinics begin to pop up.

Good luck, I hope that it works out and you are able to help your relative out.

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