Is the Far Left Liberal Birdy Proud of Chicago and the Increasing Violence -40 People Shot Last Weekend Alone?

Question by ObamaManipulatesU: Is the far left liberal birdy proud of Chicago and the increasing Violence -40 people shot last weekend alone?
This is the liberal world- corruption, violence, depression, no jobs, drug addict spike, lies, deception, manipulation and fraud. They cause more violence – they cause pain and death, they are selfish pigs!

Best answer:

Answer by The Mighty Keyboard Warrior
I thought God caused all that stuff. I guess He is the selfish pig.

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Dr. William T. Flynn – U.S. FDA Initiatives Regarding the Judicious Use of Antibiotics in Food-Produ – U.S. FDA Initiatives Regarding the Judicious Use of Antibiotics in Food-Producing Animals – Dr. William T. Flynn, Deputy Director for Science Policy, Food an…