Is Anyone Out There on a Methadone Program and Tired of Being Jerked Around?

Question by kc: Is anyone out there on a methadone program and tired of being jerked around?
Are you on methadone? Tired of paying as much to be in “treatment” as you did on the streets? Tired of counselors who say “I can’t help you with that, my hands are tied?” Tired of the private clinic owners making tons of money off the suffering of others? Lets unite to stop this absurd practice of getting rich off someone’s illness. Stop them from making absurd rules and knowing we won’t unite to do anything about it!

Please if you are in “methadone treament” and have had enough, get in touch with me and lets try to change the pattern of the way we are treated!

Best answer:

Answer by moonfire
OK, I’ve been on methadone for 7 long years. So, I am a bit bitter about that (since I only did heroin for 2yrs), but I’ve been clean for 7 years. That does count for something. I go to one of the most expensive clinics in my area (cause it’s close & convenient). I pay $ 60 per week/$ 120 every 2 weeks (I’m on 2x month pick-ups). As a drug addict, I spent about $ 100 per DAY!!! So, yes people are getting very rich off of this, BUT, it’s not the same in terms of cost. As a drug addict, not only do you have to find & pay for your drug, you risk your life on a daily basis. I live in Chicago & there’s a huge “bad heroin” scare here. The dope is laced with “phentenol”. Tons of people are dying. Not only that, when I did heroin, I had to take my petite, female, white ass to the ghetto every day. I’ve been held up, robbed, punched, carjacked, etc… Not only that, but there’s the sickness. I’d rather be in labor than be dope sick. Plus, methadone blocks your opiate receptors so if you do decide you still want to get high, you can’t. I found that to be very useful.

Right now, I’m on 7 mg. I was once on 190mg. I do feel sick, but it’s tolerable. And, most of all, I’m grateful to have had my life back. I would have failed out of the university I was attending if it hadn’t been for methadone.

So, yes, it is a corrupt system. I think there should be regulations like a limit on the amount of methadone ( over 100mg is way too much for anyone) and on the time one spends on methadone (7 years is way tooo long).

I do agree with you. But, I don’t agree that it costs the same. What about bond money, money for a lawyer, money to get your car out of the inpound, etc…? So, you can either feed the greedy & sometimes corrupt physicians & pay around $ 60 for one week’s worth of methadone (assuming you take it correctly) or you can pay the GREEDY & CORRUPT drug dealers that stand outside & get paid to hang out with their friends, shoot craps, & smoke blunts. Put that with the fact that you’d be spending 7x per week on dope than you would with methadone, I think being angry at the clinic dosen’t make sense.

Not only that, but at least at the methadone clinic you know what you’re getting. It’s not like you’re gonna get home & realize you just got ripped off from the clinic or that you got bad stuff, or really good stuff & OD.

Plus, I’ve heard of clinics that charge as low as $ 10 per week. That’s the equivalent of one bag of dope. MUCH CHEAPER than $ 10 per day. And what addict only does $ 10/ 1 bag per day? Good Luck!

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