Incarceration Affects Health Care

Incarceration affects health care

Filed under: effects of drug addiction

“Some prisons will impress upon inmates about looking into getting health care to take care of a drug addiction, mental illness or whatever the case may be,” he said. “Many inmates are informed about the importance of public benefits prior to release …
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Heroin addict's mother warns pupils of drugs

Filed under: effects of drug addiction

After yesterday's talk Mrs Chase, of Megson Drive in Lee-on-the-Solent, will speak to one class each day this week about the effects of drug addiction, following similar talks last year. She did not want The News to name her son, as she is concerned it …
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Understanding Drug Courts

Filed under: effects of drug addiction

Dr. Leo Kadehijan is a biomedical consultant who provides oversight of the U.S. Federal Courts' onsite drug testing programs. He explained addiction and its effect on the behavior of the addict in drug court. He also spoke about challenges associated …
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The Basketball Diaries – The Effects of Drugs – After watching this film, I was quite struct by ‘s performance. I decided to make a music video about the deterioration of Jim’s life throughout the film.


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24 Responses to Incarceration Affects Health Care

  • Agent1W says:

    2:08 I’d rather go through that again. Heroin is a paddle that cracks? your SKULL.

  • Katherine Evans says:

    They should? show this at schools….. Kids do drugs to often and this sure as hell would change their minds…

  • Yorick Mori says:

    I? smoke weed, but I could never touch Heroin..

  • dontrililikepackies1 says:

    its based on? the true story of jim carrol.

  • countolaf37 says:

    This movie reminds me of the Ben Cousins addiction to drugs. Look up the documentary Ben Cousins, Such? is life.

  • GunToThaHead says:

    one of my fav movies but im? still a heroin addict :/

  • 123chickbabe says:

    this is my favorite movie of all? time

  • sheila72801 says:

    é um saco viu esses videos que tem,essas propagandas nem sá pra ver o video


  • jeff97ish says:

    On one hand I agree, but in my case, I was a user when I saw it and I got into opiates after seeing the horrible withdrawal scenes and went through the hell? it shows him going through. If kids have the right mentality to start with then yes the movie will most likely keep them from ever using opiates. It’s a hard road. Been clean 7 years and proud to say it.

  • soteroevich says:

    Radiohead <3 ?

  • beka0304 says:

    Don’t worry weed is harmless… even alcohol is worst than weed… :)?

  • Wiseguyzmoney says:

    Radiohead – Everything in Its Right? Place

  • LOLthisfun says:

    I REALLY hope u get some help cuzz i have? friends like u n it pains me 2 see their eyes…. They look empty :'(

  • walker flower says:

    @leslycatly12 i? don’t know why the fuck you’re comparing those movies with this one :S i mean… not even harry potter and twilight are comparable ! god, so stupid comment

  • brokas fdx says:

    what is? the music?

  • mike4everdude says:

    i made the nistake of shooting up? perks i wish i never did

  • lrobbo193 says:

    Can anyone help explain the basketball diaries quote. i understand the movie just struggle with the meaning of “You’re growing up. And rain sort of remains on the branches of a tree that will someday rule the Earth. And it’s good that there is rain. It clears the month of? your sorry rainbow expressions, and it clears the streets of the silent armies… so we can dance. “

  • rsohlich1 says:

    I’ve heard? methadone is even harder.

  • mjd81784 says:

    no i did not realize that, that actually seems shocking to me,
    i can only speak for myself? on this matter, this movie to me far from glamorized drug use, it made me sick to my stomach just like requiem for a dream, but just because it had that type of effect on me doesnt mean it does for everyone

  • mjd81784 says:

    yeah man, sorry to hear that, I can really only speak for myself on this topic, i myself was prescribed to ritalin as a kid and as a teen I experienced with cocaine, but after seeing the destruction that drugs like heroin? do to you it makes me not want to experiement with anything ever again, and I think that this movie really painted a good picture of how easy it is to take the road to drugs and how your life falls to shit before you know it

  • michaeljordan23f says:

    Fuck all the anti-drug campaigns they show? in high school to teens. Just show em Requiem for a Dream and Basketball Diaries. Hah

  • bob2693 says:

    How do you find the money at 15 for that shit??

  • HotRocksAndHardRock says:

    dude wtf relax on that shit man. 15 is no age to be at that kind? of shit.

  • GuruOfTheInternet says:

    I bet you didn’t realize that this film, along with several others is credited for an increase in heroine use after their releases. Studies show that drug use? in cinema actually encourages and provokes people to experiment with drugs.

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