In Illinois What Happens When the Hospital Tests and the Newborn’s Meconium Is Positive for THC?
Question by Murkya: In Illinois what happens when the hospital tests and the newborn’s meconium is positive for THC?
Does the baby get taken away from the mother soon after birth, or if the mother tests positive for THC when she gives birth does the child get taken, I need the right answer.
Best answer:
Answer by KnottyPine1213
Waiting for the thumbs down………..
they DONT drug test the baby… unless they suspect the mother is under influence… looks like a drug addict.. or you are on state medicare, or whatever it is called where the state is paying for your insurance.. then i think they might. otherwise… they dont.
I smoked marijuana every now and again at night.. very little, but it was the ONLY thing that helped me sleep at night.. not to mention i was VERY sick with y first two pregnancies… my primary doctor knew.. not my obgyn,..but even my primary doctor said a little in light moderation will not effect the baby at all.. and really if you do your research it doesnt. So, unless you are on state welfare.. it wont be a factor to you, or look like a crack head, or are obviously high when giving birth… it wont matter. I live in illinois as well.
However if you DO for some reason get tested positive.. or the baby does… then im not honestly sure what would happen. You would probably have a nice tlaking to my social workers… possibly have to take rehab classes and parenting classes and pass tests to prove that you are not high while raising your child.
I however think this is TOTALLY all rediculous… medical marijuana is a healer.. it helped me when nothing else could. I have smoked…and have NO PROBLEM with people who do, even parents…it doesnt make you a bad mother… it actually might make you a better, more calm, relaxed person. So, im just waiting to submit this and see my thumbs down and peoples other ignorant comments.
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