I’m 17, Living in a Group Home in NY… I Want to Live on My Own Because I Have No Other Options, What’s Left?

Question by sarena: I’m 17, living in a group home in NY… I want to live on my own because I have no other options, what’s left?
I live in a group home with NY, I can’t go home and I want to live on my own, what are my options at this point?

Best answer:

Answer by georgie
get a steady job and start saving up money to get your own place.

if your in a group home im guessing its rehab? stick with it and stay off the drugs. dont leave until you are sure you are ready to stay off of drugs.

by the time you have enough money to pay for rent for the first few months, you’ll probably be 18 and have no problems when it comes to renting an apartment.

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