Illinois Drug Rehabs

My Ex Wife Was Arrested in Florida for Possession of a Small Amount of Crack, What Is the Penelity?

Question by guitarmonstor: My ex wife was arrested in Florida for possession of a small amount of crack, what is the penelity?

Best answer:

Answer by nice_n_easy
Your wife wouldn’t be put to jail for mere possession but selling could be. She would be turn over to the rehabilitation center for drug defendent. Penalty possession of contolled substance such as crack, probably months she will be there in the rehab. defending on the doctor’s order.

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Alcohol and Drug Addiction Is Harmful Activity?

Question by : Alcohol and drug addiction is harmful activity?

Best answer:

Answer by James Ronn
Yes this is very harmful if someone take a large amount of dose every time.But this can be treated also there are many rehab centre which offers treatment to addictions.Some one informed about us rehab centre for treatment of my nice who has addiction of drugs.she got treatment and now she is fine.

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What Percent of Rehabilitated People Actually Are Cured?

Question by Maryy: What percent of rehabilitated people actually are cured?
ok so this is for a project….
does anyone know what percent of rehabilitated people get out and dont do the same mistake agian??? (i.e.- they would use drugs daily, went to rehab, then when they got out they quit completly)
i searched yahoo, google, and ask jeeves. i did all of my project and this is just a small part of it wich isnt really gonna be graded so keep your useless coments to yourself

Best answer:

Answer by raysny
Rehabs often claim amazing results, but the reality is less than spectacular.

Whats Most Likely Gonna Happen?

Question by bobby: Whats most likely gonna happen?
Im 17 on probation for possession of marijuana in a school zone, I was gonna get off in june but got caught with a bit less then 2 gs of synthetic marijuana. What is most likely gonna be my punishment? (Kentucky)

Best answer:

Answer by James
Your probation will be revoked and you will serve your suspended sentence incarcerated. You will be ordered to drug and alcohol rehab. You are a repeat offender so expect enhancements to the sentencing. Lots more fines, fees, court costs too.

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Where Can I Find Drug Rehabs in Los Angeles, California?

Question by ADAMARIS B: Where can I find drug rehabs in Los Angeles, California?
My dad have been a drug user since I was 12. Am so sad that I can’t spend some time bonding with him because he’s always drugged. I want to help him so that our family will be whole again.

Best answer:

Answer by anahi i
Don’t worry, you can easily find drug rehabilitation centers in Los Angeles. Aside from rehab centers, you can also find clinics and medical centers. Go to any counseling services in your area so that you will be informed about the treatments available. Good luck! And I hope your family supports your father so that he can recover fast.

My Son Is Going Into a Drug Rehab.?

Question by Irene R: my son is going into a drug rehab.?
it will be outpatient and he’ll be drug tested each time he goes. we are sending him because he has been abusing over the counter drugs at dangerous levels. he does struggle with anxiety and has for years. he had been given xanax recently and has done really well on it. Only takes it as needed and allows me to monitor it for him. will drug rehab allow him to continue taking the xanax as needed. he doesn’t take it every day, only in certain situations and it really helps. He’ll have a prescription with him when he goes and I assume they’ll see the medication in his urine. will taking this be a problem. will they want him to stop using it and should we not have him take any for the week before he goes so it isn’t in his urine. should he show the prescription first to ask if it’s okay to take and then start again on it. I’m confused about this whole process and how it will help him.
appreciate any help or advice.