I Worry About Putting My Baby Up for Adoption.?

Question by indigonight87: I worry about putting my baby up for adoption.?
I posted a question on putting my baby up for adoption and left out some important details, so let me rephrase it please. I am a single Mother who already has a bueatiful two yr old boy and I am pregnant with a second child. I have been emotionally struggling with the idea of adoption for my baby to come. For any of you who ask, how in the wolrd can you put one child up for adoption and keep another? Financial reasons. This is not about playing favorites as a few commented on my last question or about loving one and not the other because I love BOTH equally and have spent night over night crying about it. I have no help from my family and as for the state can only give me so much help as to only be able to support one child. We have all heard of the economic crisis lately. The state is getting overwhelmed with people applying for unemployment and I too have lost my job because of my pregnancy so I was ‘laid off’ because I could not preform the tasks the other people could (even though that wasn’t the reason they gave me I am almost 95 pecent positive that’s the reason why). Anyway, I am currently out of work and living off of unemployment and am due in January and do not know when I will get my job back. Right now I am only getting about 600 dollars a month and thanks to a friend do not have to pay rent but do have to pay car payment, phone bill and other various bills. Plus pay for my sons expenses because I do not recieve child support. I cannot possibly be able to afford another child. I am scared that if I go through this adoption process with one will they try to take my son other away because of my financial position. I know that sounds like a stupid worry but oh well, I do worry about it because I heard that DHS looks for reasons. But I might be misinformed.

Also I should clarify my second question which was, do they drug test the birth mother? Now most of you are probably asking why is she worried about that if she isn’t doing any drugs, right? I in no way DO NOT do any drugs but have beena round a friend (without my son present) who has smoked a joint around me. I am afraid the contact smoke even if it wasn’t alot might show in my system. I know I probably don’t have much to worry about and am just being paranoid but I still worry because I it’s already hard enough to do this with one child. I cannot lose my boy, he is my life and I live for him. I am a GOOD mother so don’t judge me!

I want to know will my baby be well taken care? Is there anyone out there that has done this for similiar reasons that can help me cope with this? Maybe I should seek a counsler?

Best answer:

Answer by PJ
Definitely seek counseling, right away. Also, call the United Way and see if they can provide you any help – maybe even free counseling. If you are in a larger city you can contact United Way by dialing 211

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