I Think I Have a Shopping Addiction?

Question by Elle: I think I have a shopping addiction?
I have been going to the mall and other stores like ULTA, Marshalls, Express, MAC, Clinique, blah blah like three times every week. So far, I’ve spent $ 400…

I told myself i was going to save up to buy a car for college, but i keep spending money!
I get paid $ 200 per week and so far, I have $ 771 saved up…but how can i stop this addiction??? Shopping makes me happy..
I guess i shouldnt feel that bad, at least i work hard for my money and im not spending my parents money…

Best answer:

Answer by Chel Bell
Hm…. I don’t think you have a shopping addiction. I think I do. I spent $ 1,000 on back to school clothes last year. (My dad gave me the money lol)

– I’m to young to work (by a few years or so). Sorry to disappoint you.

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Shopaholics you can overcome the addiction of shopping – Shopaholics you can overcome the addiction of shopping. When you get in touch with your true self you will help yourself detach from the habit of shopping. V…