I Need Information on Weather Drug Addiction Is Inherieted or Is It Learned Behavior & the Difference Between?

Question by pookie: I need information on weather drug addiction is inherieted or is it learned behavior & the difference between?
Im doing a study on drug addiction and need to know whether it is inherited or passed down from generation to generation or do you learn to use drugs from family members or peer pressure.

Best answer:

Answer by zapata
98% of psychology uses intuition to describe,and analyze human behavior,anecdotal evidence might be dna studies,,,inconclusive,,,,societal factors,ditto,,,,,biological factors,such as sensitivity to foods,chemicals as these often bear on topics such as l/d,add/hd,anti social tendencies,if these professions understood drug addiction,they’d have vaccines

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Addicts Treat Own ODs in Controversial Drug Program

Filed under: drug addiction help line

The Opioid Overdose Prevention and Reversal Project is administered through the DPH's Bureau of Substance Abuse Services and offers the drug naloxone, commonly referred to by its brand name Narcan, to individuals over the age of 18 who are either …
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On Forgiveness: Let the Grudge Go for Community Change

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The first line of questioning establishes relationship. “Where you from? What tribe are you? Who's your Grandma?” Later, we might … When invited to attend a community meeting on dealing with prescription drug abuse or domestic violence, we hesitate …
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