I Need 3 People to Support Teen Drug Abuse and 3 People to Oppose Drug Abuse HELP!!!?

Question by MIZ_BOSSIN_HOEZ_2009: i need 3 people to support teen drug abuse and 3 people to oppose drug abuse HELP!!!?
its for my speech class project my speech is over teen drug abuse. i need some names to go with these 3 people? they will be put in my speech.

Best answer:

Answer by Gen Tso Meets Gen Tang
You can call me Gen. I am against teen drug use and abuse. Though drug use may be enjoyable and help you to temporary escape your problems, it is not good for your body but more importantly it rots your brain. And it can lead to addiction, which leads to long term abuse, which leads to you being a loser. It is bad enought to be 16 and smoking pot and playing video games all day. It is even worse when you do the same at 30.

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