I Have a Shopping Addiction..help?

Question by Lyz: I have a shopping addiction..help?
I’ve always been a shopper but it’s getting out of hand. I can’t stop. I frequently browse eBay because I have access to it on my phone. And amazon too. I’m spending ridiculous amounts on items and I cannot stop. I’ve.bought four pairs of shoes in the last couple months that I haven’t even worn yet, a bunch of cards, clothes, hair dye, jewelry…everything. I ddon’t know how to stop spending I want to save money. I’ve not yet screwed myself over financially but I already know I need to scrunch in order to conserve my remaining money this month. I downloaded an eexpense tracker to record my spendings and its ridiculous how the numbers are adding up. I am also struggling with hoarding (not severe) and have been diagnosed with depression and an anxiety disorder. please how can I stop this before it gets worse?

Best answer:

Answer by confused
Hello Lizzy,

Shopping is something everyone should treat themselves to from time to time but sometimes it gets out of hand. I have a few tips on how to stop the addiction!

Hitting the stores when we are feeling depressed or just plain bored can result in buying more stuff we do not need. (This may be a reason for the overspending as you’ve explained that you have depression etc)
I advise instead of shopping to do something more positive and self indulgent such as taking a long bath, browsing the library for a good book or movie, exercising, or inviting a friend over for coffee and good conversation.

Another tip on stopping the shopping is to make lists only of what you need. If you want something on amazon or EBay you won’t be allowed to buy,as it isn’t on the list. (Check lists are good if you like organisation)

Finally, you say you browse on the phone,so simply switch it off when you don’t need it!

I hope I some what helped you!




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Robert Peston Goes Shopping: Addiction 9/9/13 – Michael Schluter is interviewed by Robert Peston about the Keep Sunday Special Campaign.