How Will I Be Able to Find Substance Abuse Treatment Programs in Cleveland, Georgia?
Question by ayah a: How will I be able to find substance abuse treatment programs in Cleveland, Georgia?
I’m doing this for a special project in school. As part of my report, I wanted to be able to include a few interviews of people who are undergoing a substance abuse treatment program. Does anybody know how I can get a hold of contact numbers of treatment centers?
Best answer:
Answer by beatrice c
It sounds like an interesting project, and I hope you do well.
Look in the yellow pages. You will find a list of the addiction treatment centers in your area there. Make sure to call first to ask them if you can interview the patients. Below are links that might be helpful. Good luck!
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Children's Alliance backs pot measure on ballot
Filed under: Substance Abuse Treatment
The endorsement may help the I-502 campaign rebut the contention — leveled Monday by a group of substance-abuse treatment providers — that more young people will use marijuana if Washington voters approve the measure. In a statement opposing …
Read more on The Seattle Times