How to Open a Substance Abuse Treatment Center in Illinois.?

Question by qwerty: How to open a substance abuse treatment center in Illinois.?
I am a certified alcohol and drug counselor in Illinois and am also in graduate school to earn my Masters and Education Specialist degree. I would like to open up my own substance abuse treatment center. I would also like to provide DUI evaluations and treatment. What steps do I need to take in order to do this? Please only respond if you have knowledge about this. Thank you.

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Answer by Helpful Answers
Finally, an intelligent question to answer.

Please begin here and follow through with the agency. Good luck!

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Substance Abuse Funding Cut In Illinois impacts Women in Recovery with Children! – Over 42000 people in the State of Illinois are being impacted by the Illinois Budget Cuts of 43% or 0000000 for funding to help those “afflicted” with the diseases of substance abuse and alcoholism. This video describes the despair of one courageous mother who has been “impacted” and forced to move out of a recovery program with her children to a homeless shelter. She represents the despair other people are facing as they are moving out of successful substance abuse programs that offer housing, supportive services, access to treatment, healthcare, education, job training, jobs, and affordable housing. People in recovery are being forced to move out of programs that lead to self-sufficiency and independence and move into homeless shelters, churches and the streets. This funding cut will result in costly burdens on the Criminal Justice System, protective services, emergency healthcare. Countless lives and families and entire communities are “at risk” of spiraling out of control without services. (studies show spent on treatment saves in other social services). Please comment: Should the State of Illinois help these people who want and are getting clean and sober and becoming productive members of society or should the State cut funding? Your comment and opinion will “make a difference” and help change policy, to support programs that saves lives and saves taxpayer dollars in Illinois and possibly the Country.


Rally to take on drug abuse

Filed under: Drug Abuse Illinois

The daylong event will provide information for educators, public health providers, law enforcement professionals, church leaders, elected officials or any resident who is concerned about the impact of substance abuse in their community.
Read more on SouthtownStar


David Laffer victim's family files M suit

Filed under: Drug Abuse Illinois

The lawsuit was filed Thursday in State Supreme Court in Riverhead on behalf of the family of Jaime Taccetta, who was murdered last June inside Haven Drugs by David Laffer. The suit also names the Suffolk County Police Department and former Police …
Read more on Newsday