How Does Alcohol or Drug Abuse Affect the Individual and Their Family?
Question by tearsofaclown: How does alcohol or drug abuse affect the individual and their family?
How does alcohol or drug abuse affect the user and their family? How do they feel? What do they do? What can they do?
Best answer:
Answer by Julia III
The family feels scared, helpless and confused. The only help for the addict is to enter a residential treatment program. From my experience, out-patient doesn’t work, counseling alone doesn’t work and suboxone alone doesn’t work. Get the patient into a treatment center. At least there will be hope again.
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From Twitter: — Prescription Monitoring Programs help fight prescription drug abuse – by wellnesstips4u (Pat Ferguson)
From Twitter:
Vicodin Addiction: Prescription Abuse | Changing Lives Foundation Blog – by ChangngLives (Changing Lives )
From Twitter:
The Dangers Of Prescription Drug Abuse And How To Get Help – by Justineso67 (Justine Grondin)