How Do You Know if the One You Love Will Ever Get Over His Addictions?

Question by Essy: How do you know if the one you love will ever get over his addictions?
I have left a bf because he is addicted to things that I am not. His addictions wreaked havoc onto our relationship. He even lied to cover them up and was mean and defensive when I told him he had to stop.
I’m not waiting for him to recover…my question is is there a chance he will? What are the statistics on rehab?
Are addicts just addicts or do they ever fully recover?
Please, mental health professionals out there? Answer anyone?

Best answer:

Answer by id2ga
You don’t know if the person you love will recover from their addictions. A person who has an addiction has to take personal responsibility for it and even then it can be a very long journey. And one an addict, then even after a person has been “clean” “sober” or “dry” they always have to live consciously to stay that way. It will be stronger at times than others, and there will be more manageable times, but it is something they will always have to be mindful of.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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