How Do You Help an Alcoholic Family Member?

Question by t1g8h81: How do you help an alcoholic family member?
Alcoholism runs in my family. I have a family member who is an alcoholic. She is not in denial and has been in and out of AA for years. She realizes she needs help and is going to enter a 2wk rehab soon. She is the type that hides this disease so well that we never know when she is on or off the wagon. No one would ever guess she has a problem. She is single, lives alone, and has no kids (and so far it has not affected her job) so there is no one to really hold her accountable for her drinking. Recently she told her immediate family/friends that she relapsed several months ago (this even includes her boss). She’s trying everything she knows to get well, and I’d like to help her anyway I can.

Besides holding her accountable daily and going to meetings with her, what are some things I can do to help that a person wouldn’t normally think of? If anyone has experience with this, I’d really appreciate it.

Best answer:

Answer by Tami F
From a member of AA… can’t help her if she doesn’t really want to get better. She has to believe she is worth more than what she is giving herself. That she is not the piece of S*@# that she has always thought she was. I hope that she has enough prayers out there to help her on the road to recovery.

Good luck and God bless.

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