How Do You Explain to Teenagers About Drug Abuse?

Question by kristalchampagne: How do you explain to teenagers about drug abuse?
I am working on a youth programme about drug abuse. There are so many awareness programmes out there and ads that explains about drug abuse. And yet, these messages did not compute in most of these young minds. Were the ads not effective? Are we saying the wrong thing?

Best answer:

Answer by Pinay
The best thing to do is actually show kids how drugs will effect them.
Like get a volunteer, tell the students that this is what will happen when you do crack or weed etc.
Use make-up, breath enhancers, and other things to make the person look like the result of doing drugs.
Or get someone who has done drugs, and has effected their lives severely and have them speak to the class about their experience.

What do you think? Answer below!



Video Testimonial, Drug Addiction Help, Parenting Help, Parenting Troubled Teens – Parenting Troubled Teens Help with teen drug abuse Teen alcohol abuse behavior problems with teen professional advice for addiction


Parents Not Alone Dealing with Teen Substance Abuse

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