How Do I Become a Judge at a Bbq Competition?

Question by Ward 4. Room 12.: How do I become a judge at a bbq competition?
I have an addiction to bbq food and love the smell of hardwood smoke. I want to be served plate after plate of delecious food. Help me find the way to bliss. I am in the MA/RI area. Thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by TX2step
Become well-known for your EXPERTISE in culinary skills and ingredients. Lots of people would love to get paid to eat, but not many people have the knowledge to ascertain the individual ingredients used, and critique the methods used….

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Message to Joshua-Guns – My brothers son Joshua is a great guy. Actually my brother is a great guy. We have this ongoing discussion about guns. So I thought I should share my heart on the subject. I am sure I will not change Joshua’s mind but perhaps he will have an insight to why I have taken the stand I have. Joshua, have you ever stood over a person who has shot themselves? I have and it changes you. A young man I was working with could not stand the fact that he had gone back to his drug addiction and he hated the thought of facing his parents again. He got his dad’s gun and ended his life. I was called to the scene by the father….I will never forget it. Then there was the time I was called out of a meeting on a Sunday night by a distraught young person who said to me that her father had just shot her mom and then shot himself in the head. She asked me if I would go to the hospital with her. I still relive that day every time hear of a domestic shooting. Then there is the time I was held hostage by a distraught young man who held a gun on me and threatened to kill me. I had been counseling his wife. Joshua have you ever had someone hold a gun on you with the intent to kill you? Then there was the time a young man who had been bullied because he was gay. He came to us for help but he felt so ashamed and his folks who were Christians had kicked him out of his home. He was in his late teens. Finally he could not take it anymore and he went home retrieved his dads gun and killed himself. When I