How Can I Talk to My Friends About an Addiction?

Question by goode_times_die: How can I talk to my friends about an addiction?
I have a cocaine addiction, I need to talk to my friends about it but the problem is, one of my friends mother and father died from the very same addiction. I watched his mother slowly and painfully die. I can’t figure out a way to bring up a touchy subject like this. Can anyone help me out?
I thought I should mention this one, I already have been through rehab for alcoholism. Witch kind of complicates things for me a little bit more.

Best answer:

Answer by Whawha
Ask a good one to go to an NA meeting with you. Tell them the truth. They might get pissed at first, but they’ll help if they are real friends.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


'I don't wait in lines, I snort them' and other gems from 'The Buy Side'

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A big part of those excesses is his abuse of cocaine. During his journey, Duff confirms every bad stereotype you might have about Wall Street, and then some. He also takes readers through some of the best of what Wall Street can offer a successful trader.
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UB Researchers Recognized at Interdisciplinary Addictions Forum

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“Understanding the molecular foundations of such long-lasting adaptations is of critical importance to efforts to discover an effective treatment.” Her in vivo study of cocaine withdrawal explores how Activin receptor signaling in the brain may mediate …
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