How Are Prescription Drugs So Abused if Ppl Dont Have a Legitimate Prescription?

Question by rtinsley30: How are prescription drugs so abused if ppl dont have a legitimate prescription?
I am inquiring for a paper I am writing for College Composition, on Drugs in Juvenile Justice. It shocked me that prescriptions are more abused than any other drug besides marijuana. However Marijuana hasnt caused any documented deaths, and kids are oversoding on medication. I realize millions of kids are prescribed meds for ADD, and ADHD, but I am curious about the ones who arent? Where do they get them from? Street prices are expensive, so are they stealing from their parents? Thanks for any suggestions, plz answer my other question if you can, I appreciate, and I am not looking for drugs, lol. Thanks

Best answer:

Answer by Erin
That’s the thing about something called pain. It can’t be proved. If you have an infection or a broken bone, there are definite signs. But if you’re in pain, who’s to say you’re not? (Just look at how many law suits there are with insurance companies over their disability rating all based on the “pain” the claimant must deal with.) It’s easier than you’d think to go to a doctor and claim pain to get narcotics. Then go to a different doctor in a different practice and claim the same thing. Get a different prescription. And so on. Then get the different prescriptions filled at different pharmacy chains. And it’s also possible to order narcotics online from a different country and have them shipped in. I know all of this because this is what an ex-coworker did to feed her addiction.

Also, if a person does have a legitimate prescription for something, such as ADD or ADHD, the kid doesn’t have to actually take the drug if they choose not to. Some people prefer money to wellness. Again, I know this from witnessing people selling their own prescriptions instead of taking them like they should.

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