HIDDEN ADDICTION: Gambling Awareness Week
HIDDEN ADDICTION: Gambling Awareness Week
Filed under: addiction help
With technology today, there are more ways to gamble which makes the problem worse for those struggling with an addiction. “It's important for people to understand what problem gambling is, where they can get help, what the signs and symptoms are and …
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WATCH: Meet the Woman Who Can't Stop Snacking on Deodorant
Filed under: addiction help
But Nicole, a 19-year-old from New York City who declined to reveal her last name, can't help it: She's addicted to eating antiperspirant. She eats about half a stick a day of her favorites (the “rich-tasting” brands), and says she loves the way it …
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Repeat offender gets conditional discharge for third impaired conviction
Filed under: addiction help
“He's not scared of jail but doesn't feel it would help him,” Lantz said, adding that according to evidence given by an addictions expert working with Arsenault, he is “motivated” to deal with his alcoholism. That expert told the court the probability …
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