Have We Lost the Drug Wars?

Have We Lost the Drug Wars?

Filed under: drug addiction help

… prison populations have quintupled since 1980, in large degree thanks to laws meant to decrease drug usage by prohibiting it; 50,000 Mexicans may have died since 2006 in their country's war against traffickers, and addiction has probably increased.
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The Countess of Psychedelic Drugs

Filed under: drug addiction help

In 2009, [leading drug researcher] David Nutt and I set up the Beckley Foundation/Imperial College Psychopharmacological Research Programme, which has carried out groundbreaking research on psilocybin and MDMA. Our psilocybin work suggested …
Read more on Slate Magazine


Shooting why as important as the how

Filed under: drug addiction help

Yet Krueger's mother's frank assessment of her frustration with her teenager's drug addiction is instructive for those of us on the outside looking in on this national crisis. “People need to be more … Help them open up and deal with their problems …
Read more on The News Journal



Help for Addicted Doctors – Dr. Rodney Hough on CBS 21 – My father, Dr. Rodney Hough, interviewed by CBS back in 2007 regarding his recovery from addiction to pain pills. This aired on CBS 21 News, which servers central Pennsylvania, in February 2008.