Football Under Microscope
Football under microscope
Filed under: drug addiction help recovery
Imagine if your star player never got injured or recovered in astonishing time from an injury. Endurance may not be the central talent required in football … In 1998, Zdenek Zeman, the Roma coach then and now although he has coached ten clubs in …
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Tragic aid worker Khalil Dale's service honoured
Filed under: drug addiction help recovery
His body was recovered last April. Dale was born Kenneth Robin Dale in York but changed his name to Khalil when he became a Muslim. Starting his working life as a casualty nurse at Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary, Dale went on to become a medic …
Read more on Scotland on Sunday
Continuing hope: Hope House starts new family program
Filed under: drug addiction help recovery
“We have to do this,” said Peter D'Souza, chief operating officer of Addiction Recovery Inc., which runs Hope House and another treatment center in Laurel. “Hope House is nothing if you're not part of the community.” Families of Hope House patients are …
Adam Beach: Helping people to recover from Violence and Addiction – An Anishinaabe movie star stops in Shell Lake, Wisconsin to talk with natives recovering from alcohol and drug abuse and leaves them a message of hope.