Fine, Would-Be Deadbeat Dads. Here's a Suggestion for You.

Fine, Would-Be Deadbeat Dads. Here's A Suggestion For You.

Filed under: drug abuse definition

My main problem with floating the argument that men should be able to get what “men's rights” activists (scare quotes because it's a phrase akin to “white pride” in its purpose and paranoia) call a “paper abortion” is that it's actually a stalking …
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Strange bedfellows: Sessions, Sanders agree immigration bill is pay-off to big

Filed under: drug abuse definition

“In other words, if you include unemployment among minorities in this country, if you include the unemployment rates among young people in this country, we continue to have a very, very serious unemployment problem in the United States of America,” he …
Read more on Daily Caller


Jim Harbaugh on Seahawks: 'If you cheat to win, you've already lost'

Filed under: drug abuse definition

Carroll's team has been in the news over the last few years for the wrong reasons more than Harbaugh's, and the cause has been a string of player suspensions related to violations of the league's substance-abuse policy. Defensive end Bruce Irvin became …
Read more on Yahoo! Movies (blog)


Russia's Eurasian Union Could Endanger The Neighborhood And US Interests

Filed under: drug abuse definition

Similarly, doubts remain about Russia's capacity to manage the region with complex interethnic relations and interstate issues, especially given its serious domestic Islamist insurgency problem and recent nationalistic and Christian Orthodox revival …
Read more on Eurasia Review