FDA Gears Up to Check Drug Shortages

FDA gears up to check drug shortages

Filed under: drug treatment centers in texas

Some cancer drugs also have been in short supply, disrupting treatments that require medication administered on a precise schedule. Earlier, the FDA helped prevent 195 shortages in 2011 and 282 in 2012, reducing the number of shortages from 251 in 2011 …
Read more on Pentagon Post


State law effectively bans all drug-induced abortions, Oklahoma justices tell

Filed under: drug treatment centers in texas

Priscilla Smith, a senior fellow at Yale Law School and a former attorney at the Center for Reproductive Rights, described the Oklahoma law as “barbaric” and said it serves no possible state interest. She said she was hopeful the U.S. Supreme Court …
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Buying time: World traveler Ron Woodroof smuggles drugs — and hope — for

Filed under: drug treatment centers in texas

Today, at the AIDS Resource Center in Dallas, he oversees several programs for women and men who don't have the money, knowledge or skills to independently care for themselves. Eighty percent of them live at the poverty level while trying to stave off …
Read more on Dallas Morning News


Atterocor Begins Phase 1 Trial for Adrenal Cancer Drug

Filed under: drug treatment centers in texas

Atterocor's Phase 1 trial is being conducted at the Comprehensive Cancer Center in Ann Arbor and the MD Anderson Cancer Center at the University of Texas, and expects to enroll 21 patients. “The [U-M] center sees 200 adrenal cancer patients a year,” …
Read more on Xconomy