EXCLUSIVE: Titans Boss Wife Tells of Drug Hell – I've Tackled My Porn Past

EXCLUSIVE: Titans boss wife tells of drug hell – I've tackled my porn past

Filed under: internet addiction help

The Sunday Mail has obtained a slew of pornographic material featuring Ms Olson, a natural bodybuilder and fitness fanatic, found widely on a number of internet porn and bodybuilding websites. Some of the pictures and videos are so sexually explicit …
Read more on Herald Sun


6 Ways to Advocate for Your Mental Health

Filed under: internet addiction help

Often there are many parts of the mental health treatment process that you can't control. “Providers can let patients down, medications may fail or cause uncomfortable side effects [and] there is enormous stigma around mental illness,” said Kelli …
Read more on PsychCentral.com (blog)


More Women Being Snared by Porn's Lure

Filed under: internet addiction help

Pornography has been a serious problem for decades and it's only become worse on the Internet. Addiction has … she explained. After years of feeling trapped and disgusted, she found the courage to confess to husband C.J. Hitz. "And I said, 'I need …
Read more on Christian Broadcasting Network


Social sites like Facebook linked to psychotic episodes

Filed under: internet addiction help

One in eight Americans suffer from problematic internet use including social media sites such as Facebook and Myspace leading to social network addiction and started to be associated to psychological disorders on a global scale. View slideshow …
Read more on allvoices



Natalie Carney – Internet Addiction Rises in Turkey – More and more people are “logging on” as the Internet becomes increasingly available to everyone, even those in the most remote corners of the world. However with this surge of web users, comes a surge of web addicts. Although the concept of “internet addiction” has been debated by specialists since the mid 90’s, Turkey has been progressively acknowledging the illness by opening Internet addiction clinics all across the country to help treat this modern day problem. Natalie Carney has more from Istanbul


From Twitter:

deer-a: uoa: My internet addiction is getting alt of ctrl Help me esc it http://t.co/AkzS9Rd5 – by robinloveshoney (Cocaina)

From Twitter:

My internet addiction is getting out of ctrl. Help me esc it. This shift is getting ridiculous. – by oh_lalalivia (oliviapaigeledford™)

From Twitter:

“Julia u have an Internet addiction problem, we r sending u to seek help” http://t.co/OeMNfXyc – by rockmeharrylol (? julia ?)