Even a Little Pot Use Ups College Dropout Risk

Even a Little Pot Use Ups College Dropout Risk

Filed under: national institute on drug abuse

A second study, published in the journal Psychiatric Services and funded by the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse, looked at drug use and mental health problems and the risk of leaving college prematurely. Arria and her colleagues report that …
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Cruz, Paul: A Menagerie of Misinformation

Filed under: national institute on drug abuse

Paul's press office did not return our calls seeking backup for his claim, but it's true that the National Institute on Drug Abuse has awarded more than $ 3.8 million in federal grants since 2000 to a research project that studies the effect of …
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Addiction injection: the mission to immunise drug users against dependency

Filed under: national institute on drug abuse

"His work has changed the whole field," says Ivan Montoya, deputy director of the US National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA), which funds and evaluates research into addiction therapies. Janda's long-time Scripps colleague and friend, medicinal chemist …
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What is Addiction? Redonna Chandler (1 of 3) – In this interview, which followed the presentation “Addiction, the Brain, and Evidence Based Treatment” given as part of the National Institute of Justice’s …