Essay Help?
Question by f!v3-0h: essay help?
its just the intro anything a should improve or work on?…
Frank leaflet
This essay is about the frank leaflet. iwill analyse the frank leaflet i will also review and comment on it. Frank is a helpline for those who are struggling to stop there drug addiction, though it is also for those that are drug addicts. it also helps people with advice on things like sex and alcohol problems. Frank is aimed at almost anyon that is suffering from drug addiction but is mostly aimed at teenagers as they are the primary consumers of drugs. I will now analyse the leaflet giving my opinions and views on the leaflet
P.S could someone please just copy and paste that into MS word on your computer please..i dont have word on mine please i would really apreciate it you can just email it to me..
just click on my profile its there TY
Best answer:
Answer by jado427
Ok…first off, you never want to start any piece of writing by saying “This is about…” or “I am going to tell you about…” that’s just tacky and seldom gets you an amazing grade.
Try something like this:
Frank is a helpline for individuals struggling with drug addictions and for those willing to work through through the pain of giving it up. In addition to these services, it also provides individuals advice on topics like sex and alcohol addictions. The primary focus group at Frank is teenagers, the primary consumers of drugs, but it is willing to help anyone.
And then you continue. Like I said, you NEVER want to state what you are going to do! Good luck!
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