Electronic Cigarette Use Rises Among Teens

Electronic Cigarette Use Rises Among Teens

Filed under: effects of drug addiction

Electronic cigarette use among teens more than doubled in the last year, according to a new government study, prompting concern from health officials who say the effects of long-term use of the products is still unknown. The Centers for Disease Control …
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Sending Smoke Signals

Filed under: effects of drug addiction

Due to the country's existing culture of cannabis use, the current initiative is not so much a liberalizing measure as an anticrime one, born from a desire to weaken the drug trafficking rings that illegally sell pot to legal users. President Mujica …
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Marijuana is Illegal Because It Is a Major Source of Funding For Law Enforcement

Filed under: effects of drug addiction

The law enforcement groups sent a harsh letter to Holder expressing their “extreme disappointment” that they were not consulted prior to his announcement, and launched into their typical lies about the weed and its effects. … Likely, law enforcement …
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Diane Mufson: Sad new epidemic: drugaddicted newborns

Filed under: effects of drug addiction

But drugs are different. They create a strong physiological dependence, making drug users care only about their next fix or dose, not their unborn baby. This problem has no easy fix, and we lack hard data on the long-term effects of prenatal drug exposure.
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