Editorial Roundup: Excerpts From Recent Editorials

Editorial Roundup: Excerpts from recent editorials

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act of 2000

We do know that there will be more acts of terror against Americans. And we should know that the torture perpetrated after 9/11 has made those future attacks more likely, not less. The inhumane treatment almost certainly endangered our own soldiers, …
Read more on Sacramento Bee


The World Is Really Falling Apart

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act of 2000

It seems the term acts as synecdoche for all America, or even the world, and yet at the same time it feels fittingly postmodern, as if to acknowledge the way 21st century life seems to occur on a shrunken scale. What is it about the … NK: I need to …
Read more on Boston Review


Santarus CEO Hosts Analyst Day (Transcript)

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act of 2000

They can get to 2000 milligrams of metformin more often than they can with the generic metformin. …. So, at least 50% of patients will have substantial steroid side effects and profound adrenal acts of suppression with that kind of wallop steroids …
Read more on Seeking Alpha



Medical marijuana dispensaries near schools face shutdown – Christian Thurstone, Medical Director for the Substance Abuse Treatment, Education and Prevention Program at Denver Health and Hospital Authority, discusses …