Drug Addiction Help

Movie and Books About Addiction?

Question by Bek Hey: Movie and books about addiction?
i’ve read nikki sixx’s heroin diaries, ben cousins’ bio, angelina jolie’s bio, and enjoy films liek the basketball diaries and blow. Oh and i love the virgin suicides.

any suggestions on what next to watch or read ?
i basically like ‘tormented souls’ anything with drug addictions or eating disorders, preferably fact

Best answer:

Answer by Joshua
Watch ‘reqiuem for a dream’ or ‘narc’ if u havent n are into those movies trust me

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Look Close by to Find Corporate Fraud

Look close by to find corporate fraud

Filed under: effects of drug abuse

Executives and employees most prone to perpetrating fraud include those with gambling problems, alcohol or substance abuse, or those with large legal or medical bills, he said. Often, fraud begins inconspicuously, a few dollars or a hundred here or there.
Read more on Colorado Springs Business Journal


Fox Attacks Medicaid Provision That Keeps Inmates From Returning To Prison

Filed under: effects of drug abuse

Addiction – What Is Inherently Wrong With It?

Question by Halsfield: Addiction – What is inherently wrong with it?
(I restarted this question because i laid the last question out sloppily and people were missing my point)

Question: What is wrong with being addicted to something? Everyone is addicted to something right now, but people seem to have this great fear and abhorrence for drug addiction without really explaining or knowing why it seems.

Definition: addiction is a state in which the body relies on a substance for normal functioning and develops physical dependence. When this substance is suddenly removed, it will cause withdrawal, a characteristic set of signs and symptoms

Marijuana Addiction Question ?

Question by Maddie: Marijuana addiction question ?
Ok so for my novel, my main character is a young teenage girl who is a marijuana addict. What are the challenges and struggles with everyday life as a marijuana addict ? I want my novel to be fairly accurate so please be honest.

Best answer:

Answer by Mike
Marijuana is not addictive, I smoked it for years and just decided to quit one day and never had withdraw symptoms or anything. I doubt it is just me because I have been addicted to stuff like video games very easily so I’m not just a “non-addictive” personality type.

Prescription Drugs High Question?

Question by Jake: Prescription Drugs High question?
Doing a project for school, and i need to know how long the high is for when you take prescription drugs.

Best answer:

Answer by Stacey Hudson
I depend upon the drugs.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Addicts Stealing Prescription Drugs at Open Houses – San Diego County Sheriff’s Department – If you are putting your house on the market, you may want to clean the prescription drugs out of your medicine cabinets. Addicts are now posing as buyers at …

Child Abuse Reporting?

Question by Freeport77541: child abuse reporting?
I called in to provide information about a neighbor who is quite abusive to his child and has many domestic disputes almost on a daily basis last month. The local children and youth never investigated. I called in yesterday about the father was outside smoking what appeared to be illegal drugs with some of his friends. I called in again and a person from children and youth went to the house yesterday and spent about 5 minutes outside talking with just the mother and then drove directly over to my home and was very abusive with me and told me she was going to have the district attorney file charges against me for a false report. This is not right and i will never ever call in anything again.
i called the local office like many of you suggested but the supervisor was only a voice mail. I kept leaving messages and then was able to catch her late on friday but she was also very rude and had a “careless” attitude. What is wrong with people and where do i go from here ? I even called the tv news station but they were not interested in any information i have