Pics for Drug Abuse and Litter(trash). Please& Thank You?
Question by Alexanderia T: pics for drug abuse and litter(trash). please& thank you?
need it for teen law.
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What do you think? Answer below!
Mass Appeal Helping families cope with addiction – AdCare Hospital has committed itself to helping individuals and their families cope with addiction one life at a time.
Books on Teen Drug Abuse?
Question by Frogger: Books on teen drug abuse?
Please recomend me books on teen drug abuse. I have read all of Ellen Hopkins, Smack, Go Ask Alice and some more. I would like any sugestions or this will be a boring summer. Thank you
Best answer:
Answer by Courtney
What do you think? Answer below!
Officials Warn About Teen Abuse Of Prescription Drugs – Abuse of prescription drugs by teenagers is an emerging epidemic, Teri Christensen of Partnership for a Drug-Free America and U.S. Attorney McGregor Scott sa…
Tempted by Prescription Drugs?
Question by korkykrayon: tempted by prescription drugs?
I’ve really been scaring myself lately. I find myself increasingly anxious and depressed, mostly at night when there is nothing to do, and it’s at this time, when I’m lying in bed or surfing the web that my mind drifts to drugs. I keep thinking about taking the prescription drugs that I know are in my house just out of curiosity. I’ve never even smoked weed so I have no history of being drug-curious, but for some reason, the allure is there. During the day, I think about what was going through my head the night before and almost laugh at the stupidity of it, but then that night, it happens all over again. Anyone heard of exhibiting the psychological signs of addiction without having taken the drug? Anyway. My main question is: what the hell is wrong with me? Why am I thinking about these drugs, and how can I stop? And I should mention that I can’t really throw the drugs out because they belong to my parents; they’d probably notice and assume I was doing them anyway. (Irony, anybody?)
“That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard in my life.”
Big fan of that show. And thanks for the response.
Drug Addiction?
Question by zeroxerohero: Drug addiction?
My parents were addicts. I stated drinking at 14 pot at 10 coke/crack at 16 heroin at 22. I have been in recovery 3 years. My question is how many people are addicts who came from homes of addicts? i do belive my parents being addicts had a zillion terrible effects on my choices to use. LOOKING FOR THOUGHT ON children of drug/drink addicts. How it changed your life.
i did quit i SAID i’m 3 years in recovery.
Best answer:
Answer by beergogglesrbroken
if ur so mad about doin drugs then quit son…..personally i like to smoke crack…makes ur brain feel SILLY!
Need Help ASAP With Sex Addiction?
Question by GrainShard: Need help ASAP with sex addiction?
I’m a 49 year old grade school teacher, married with four kids (one out of college, one in college and two in high school) and lately I have been having sex with prostitutes. It started out a bit more innocently: 4 months ago I was on vacation in Nevada, and me and my friends went to a brothel (my wife would severely disapprove, but I figured ‘hey, it’s just one night’). Since then, I’ve been having sex with hookers more and more frequently, up until now, where I have been doing it once again. It’s illegal where I live, and my wife is starting to wonder where our money is going. I need to stop, but every time I try, I just end up going back to the hookers. I need help, please.