Drug Abuse Problem at Work Management Does Nothing?

Question by Risk D: Drug Abuse problem at work Management does nothing?
I work at a place with huge Drug Abuse problem. People walk out of the elevator smelling like weed. People come back from lunch obviously high and messed up. The top management knows about it and does nothing, They treat it like Joke. People are told I want you to come back way you left in a joking manner . What are my options here is there a some government agency I can go to report this problem to?

Best answer:

Answer by Gary
Just call your Sheriff’s hotline and do not give your name. Do not talk about it at work or any where.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Nixon signs three laws to further protect Missouri kids

Filed under: drug abuse help hotline

Instead, anyone employed by a school who witnesses or hears of an event must now directly and immediately hotline the incident to the state agency. The requirement brings Missouri in line with … child advocacy groups from Kansas City. SB256 had …
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Medina County officials are seeing increases in opiate dependency among

Filed under: drug abuse help hotline

Brown went on to say many of these cases involve young parents abusing drugs, leading to an unsafe house where children are left unfed and unsupervised. While the agency's goal is to always to reunite children with their families, Brown said in many of …
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Judge won't allow Trayvon Martin's texts in Zimmerman trial

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Nelson said that text messages from Trayvon Martin's phone which allegedly showed the slain teen to have a burgeoning penchant for violence will not be allowed into evidence. Richard Conner, a computer forensics expert hired by the defense, was able to …
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