Does Smoking Marijuana Seriously Affect a Woman Who Is Trying to Conceive? Does It Affect the Man?

Question by *BabyHopes*: Does smoking marijuana seriously affect a woman who is trying to conceive? Does it affect the man?
Just curious … what are your thoughts and what are the facts?
For all of you who decided to be rude … fist off I am NOT pregnant … NOR do I smoke weed! This is for a study and the question is – Will it affect you “when TRYING to conceive”
Just looking for FACTS … jeazzzz

Best answer:

Answer by Due 09/14/2009 !
for men i was told it reduces the sperm count

What do you think? Answer below!



Top Drug Rehabs for – Addiction treatment centers with focus directed specifically for women. Dual diagnosis, depression, drug abuse, addiction and how this effects women. Find th…


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