Does Colombia Have the Right to Spray Herbicides in Kentucy and North Carolina?

Question by Eric: Does Colombia have the right to spray herbicides in Kentucy and North Carolina?
The #1 killer drug in the world is tobacco. Nothing else comes close, but the distant second substance is alcohol. As part of Plan Colombia, the US is backing the aerial spraying of herbicides in Colombia to eradicate coca crops. However, the herbicides don’t discriminate between coca and bananas, and people in the region are rightly upset when “innocent” crops are destroyed and concerned about health and safety issues. If the US has the right to spray these herbicides in Colombia, then don’t the many countries that are often forced to accept US tobacco into their markets have the right to destroy the tobacco growing in Kentucky and North Carolina?

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Answer by o_diablillo_loco

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New heroin treatment center opens in Northern Kentucky – Drug use in the community is on the rise and the methadone clinic is seen as one possible way of curtailing use.