Does Anyone Know of Any Job Opportunites for People With Felony Convictions on Their Records?

Question by Stormygirl21302: Does anyone know of any job opportunites for people with felony convictions on their records?
My friend has 2 felony drug possessions on her record. They were back in 2004 & 2006. She has served time and willingly entered into a program. Her and her son are trying to make a fresh start and she desperately needs a job. So does anyone have any suggestions? She is willing to work any shift. Please help.

Best answer:

Answer by castaspella0183
Your friend could try to get into the food service. Have to put down the convictions, but then also say that she entered into a treatment program. Good luck to your friend

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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4 Responses to Does Anyone Know of Any Job Opportunites for People With Felony Convictions on Their Records?

  • Timelady says:

    To be honest, its going to be difficult. If I were her, I’d consult a lawyer about possibly getting her records sealed so an employer cannot see her convictions. I don’t know if that’s possible, but its worth looking into. She may have to find a way to earn money on her own, cleaning houses, walking dogs, things like that.

    Being a female will give her an advantage. She may be willing to be up front with an employer and openly discuss her past and what she has done to straighten up and maybe someone will give her a chance. A women has a better chance of having that happen than if she were a man.

  • sara says:

    Tell her to look into an entry-level position in a bank. As long as she discloses the conviction on her application and lets them know BEFORE she goes for a background check, she should be okay. I work for a bank, and we have hired people with drug convictions as long as they let us know ahead of time.

    *Also – whether it was a PTI or diversionary program, it still counts as a conviction. To be on the safe side, regardless of the wording that the application uses, tell her to just put it.

  • clkn6262 says:

    someone needs to help her start her own business like cleaning apartments or doing something she enjoys. it wouldn’t take much. if she wants a cleaning business she needs some insurance which is not that expensive and they work a payment plan for you. she would have to have 1million coverage in order to clean apartments. then she needs a business card. she can get those very inexpensive at my current website is if she wants to get in touch. i am all about women getting their lives back together and changing it totally. hopefully she is in church and God will help her. she obviously has a good friend in you. that’s good. think of something she likes to do and then encourage her. she can do it she just needs a little help as we all do. remind her that her life CAN and WILL turn around. God doesn’t give up on her and neither should anyone else. Having her own business could be very good for her as long as she keeps her challenges in check. god bless you all. cynthia

  • Johan Vind says:

    Genuinely amazed! Things are all extremely, specific as well as wide open.
    You’ve shared plenty of important details.

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