Does Anyone Know of a Low Cost or No Cost Rehab in Southern California?

Question by worriedsister: Does anyone know of a low cost or no cost rehab in southern california?
My brother is addicted to drugs and alcohol and needs help. He is not working and we cannot afford to place him in a private facility.

Best answer:

Answer by George
How old is your brother? Is this something he wants to do? First thing you can do is check with the county health services or the salvation army both have rehab services that are free or low cost, or they know who does. There are inpatient and out patient treatment programs personally I believe the impatient program is a better way to go it gets you out of the environment where the drugs are available. How ever unless your brother is ready to stop using and wants help the program probably won’t work. If he is ready and wants help be very supportive of him it plays a big part in recovery it is a big step for him and very difficult but well worth it.
Good Luck

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