Does a Career Like This Exsist?

Question by AWOLNATION: Does a career like this exsist?
I’m a Christian and feel a calling to spread God’s word and help people. My attraction career wise, has always been a clinical psychologist. (Helping people with addictions, suicide, self harm, etc) Is there a career that combines both? Also will take suggestions of other occupations I should look into.

Best answer:

Answer by Joe Avalos
umm you could work for a church or be a nun or something but i dont think that would pay much money but if your diong it for god then you shouldnt be doing it for the moeny or u could be a psychiatrist and volunteer at a church or people on the street or idk do whatever you want and it doesnt matter if you can make a carreer out of it life shouldt be centered around making money if you feel the need to spread gods word do it in any and every way that you want and you shall be rewarded on the way

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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