Do U Think I Need to Worry About Listeria?

Question by ??Mommy of 2 beautiful girls??: Do u think i need to worry about Listeria?
I am 16 weeks pregnant and on the 18-19 i ate queso at a mexican restaurant. i feel fine, but it says it usually shows within 24 hours but that it could be anywhere from 2-6 weeks? I didnt even think about queso being bad cuz i love it so much and hadent eaten at a mexican restaurant in a long time, like a year.

Best answer:

Answer by Top Source
Everyone needs to be concerned abt L and all kinds of food-borne disease and other kinds of contamination.

I would def not eat in restaurants while your preg.

For the above reasons, I havent eaten in them in yrs.


More Perils of Ground Meat: the new, off-label ammonia-injection sterilization process is unsafe, allowing hi amts of e.coli & samonella.

1.2 million lbs of salami, saugages & other meats made iu R.I. in nationwide recall for possible salmonella contamination.

Largest meat recall in USA history, 143 million pounds, Feb, 2008. Cali meat packer Westland-Hallmark slaughtered animals too diseased to stand. 37 million lbs went to school lunch programs & was consumed.

48% of sodas from restaurant fountains found contaminated w/ fecal-form bacteria, probably from unwashed employee hands & dirty machines & waterlines.

NYTimes exposes the use of contamination-prone, pet-food-grade filler that has become common in ground meat in the US.

That and the new, off-label ammonia sterilization of processed beef has resulted in many recalls for ecoli & salmonella.


April, 2011:

Govt discloses a drug-resistant salmonella food poisoning outbreak due to contaminated turkey burgers.

So far 10 states are affected [Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Missouri, Mississippi, Ohio, Washington and Wisconsin.]

55,000 lbs have been recalled by the Jennie-O Turkey Store in Willmar, MN.

The CDC found the Samonella Hadar bacteria in the meat. It’s resistant to ampicillin, amoxicillin/clavulanate, cephalothin and tetracycline.

The CDC said the resistance increases the risk of “treatment failure” in infected people. Three ppL have been hospitalized in the outbreak w/ no deaths reported.

Health officials have long worried about a strain of drug-resistant bacteria causing a mass outbreak of foodborne illness.
. .

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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