Charged With Possession of Marijuana and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia?

Question by cody: Charged with possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia?
Now my question is whats going to happen im 16 years old and live in iowa and the only other thing on my record is another drug paraphernalia charge i got almost a year ago and i attended a drug and alcohol class and it was done i have a hearing on jan 19 please help!!

Best answer:

Answer by Karl
If your on probation for the first time you got caught then your screwed cause you just violated your probation. Basically your looking at community service to 30 day in treatment (rehab). Or like a week in juvi. I’m from Illinois that they are a little linient here but Iowa lol alot of conservative people up in that country.

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Cory Monteith morto, Lea Michele chiede rispetto per la privacy

Filed under: Illinois Drug Rehabs

Il dolore, evidentemente, è devastante. Dopo la notizia della morte di Cory Monteith, la sua fidanzata Lea Michele … Quando nell'aprile scorso Monteith era entrato in rehab per guarire dalla dipendenza dalle droghe la sua dolce metà lo aveva …
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