Central America's New Cold War

Central America's New Cold War

Filed under: drug addiction definition

A third Ford brother, Randy, was arrested—though not convicted—of kidnapping and assaulting a drug customer in an effort to recover a debt. The lone Ford sister, Kathy, took up for a time with a heroin addict who later shot her new boyfriend to death …
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Neo-Con Lee Smith Smears Obama Administration as Anti-Semitic

Filed under: drug addiction definition

In addition, the Israeli government has led a public campaign against a deal. So because Israel and the Israel-advocacy organizations are composed mostly of Jews, anyone who dares to criticize their analysis or to point out that following their policy …
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letters: 'This country is going to hell in a handbasket'

Filed under: drug addiction definition

Yet cover to cover in Thursday's National Post are articles about yet more scandal in Ottawa, yet more drug abuse by politicians, more disgusting people who commit sexual deviance, and even Al Gore “Mr. Inconvenient” being part of a billion-dollar …
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addicts, addiction, treatment, a better way – Bert Seelman talks about addicts,addiction, and addiction treatment, why therapies as well as treatment or rehabilitation therapy are failing when there is a…