Can You Get a Arizona Real Estate License if You Have Been Convicted of a Felony Back in 1991?

Question by David: Can you get a Arizona real estate license if you have been convicted of a felony back in 1991?
I was convicted in Illinois for felony drug possession when I was nineteen, alot has changed since, in if fact I’m currently working on having conviction sealed. Having it sealed isn’t as good as having it expunged, but i’ll take what i can get. I was never set to prison for my conviction, but instead was placed on probation.

Best answer:

Answer by kenny H
It depends on your state’s statute on this issue. I would contact a DPA (district prosecuting atty) in the county in which you live. Applications (in most states that I’m aware) ask if you have been convicted of a felony. Even it is sealed, you still need to answer yes but explain the circumstances. A good place to work will understand your previous mishaps. Good luck!

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