Can I Have a Hand Gun in My Truck in the State of Ga?

Question by annonymus: Can i have a hand gun in my truck in the state of ga?
i am 19 years old what will happen if i get caught with a hand gun in my truck in the state of ga and what will happen if i leave ga with it THANKS!
so even if im not 21 i can have it im my truck….. how old do i have to be to buy one

Best answer:

Answer by Drive
Leave it in the best open place where some one can see it in case you get pulled over. Keep the ammunition separate from the weapon. Inform the officer that it is there if they don’t see it and they ask about weapons. If you cross into bama, SC, NC, Tennessee or Florida just do the same thing.

Do not point. DO NOT EVER use your fingers to point when being questioned by law enforcement personnel while inside your vehicle.

DO NOT be guilty of any crimes while transporting hand guns. DO NOT be drunk driving any time especially if you have a hand gun.

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