Brashinger: Mokena Mayor Says, 'Goodbye' to Carbs

Brashinger: Mokena mayor says, 'Goodbye' to carbs

Filed under: addiction help books

Werner is learning to keep the addiction under control in large part, he said, because he has read and takes more seriously “The Carbohydrate Addicts Diet” by Dr. Richard Heller and Dr. Rachael Heller. “I'm not into self-help books,” Werner said. “The …
Read more on SouthtownStar


The world in 2012

Filed under: addiction help books

As the year 2012 draws to a close, we bring you a list of the major events that marked 2012 in the history books. With wars in the Middle East, new … But she also struggled with addiction problems over the years. Houston, whose hits included …
Read more on The Guardian Nigeria


December 27th Hot Stove Show

Filed under: addiction help books

better and help — turn. And — like it said yesterday that. John Farrell and our our pitching coached on the — Gary tuck — bullpen coach. Work with them and and you know make sure. O'Brien I'm curious about John Farrell's role here the front office …


Event guide: New Year's Eve Weekend 2012

Filed under: addiction help books

… the New Year with two shows at The Joint at Hard Rock Hotel. The duo will help say goodbye to 2012 along with special guest Divine Fits. … The next morning, enjoy Pajama Brunch from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. for $ 24.99 per person at Addiction restaurant …
Read more on Las Vegas Sun



What are stages of change and how do they apply to addiction – Stages of Change’ was developed by Prochaska & DiClemente. It basically was a basis of research about cigarette smoking literature, and it helps cognitive behavior therapists, in particular, understand the motivation of an individual who’s coming in for treatment. The first stage in the ‘Stages of Change’ is called precontemplation, meaning the client just says, “Well, I don’t really think I have a problem.” In the twelve steps of the disease model, we call that denial. “I don’t really have a problem. You think I have a problem, then that’s your problem.” The next stage is contemplation. Contemplation is, “Yeah, I’ve got a problem, but I don’t know if I want to do anything about it.” That’s often the case. Lots of people come in and say, or they say to their spouse, “I know I have a problem, but I don’t know if I really want to go through all the misery, or all that stuff to stop.” Some people stay in the contemplation phase for years. Sometimes they even go to the grave in the contemplation; they never even evolve out of it. Then the next stage, if there that balance beam of the contemplation phase eventually tips it up, is that they’ll then go into the preparation. In other words, they’ll pick up a self-help book, or they’ll maybe go to a therapist and start to learn about the resources that are available to discontinue this behavior. If that’s successful, they’ll move on to what’s called the action phase, with action being doing something. They stop gambling. They stop


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