Born This Way?

Born This Way?

Filed under: drug addiction treatment statistics

Head of the child and adolescent gender-identity clinic at Toronto's Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Zucker is one of North America's most widely published experts in the field of transgender and gender-variant 11. … Also known as conversion …
Read more on The American Prospect


Meth problems come to light in Lake County

Filed under: drug addiction treatment statistics

It's one of the most addictive drugs available and it's spreading across Lake County, but the problem is mostly unrecognized. By: Tom Olsen, Lake County News … Statistics on methamphetamine use and distribution have traditionally been hard to track …
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Addiction's shrinking gender gap

Filed under: drug addiction treatment statistics

Women are less likely than men to enter treatment, according to a UN report, citing “responsibility for children, lack of access to child care services, and society's punitive attitude toward substance abuse by women, especially as child bearers.” The …
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Thursday, March 7, 2013 – Evening Edition – What happens if you refuse to answer the questions agents ask at a Border Patrol checkpoint? Plus, celebrated health writer Anne Fletcher takes readers insid…