Before You Get Surgery How Come You Have to Sign a Consent for HIV and Drug Abuse?

Question by HAKEEM: before you get surgery how come you have to sign a consent for HIV and drug abuse?
when i got surgery i had to sign a consent form bout hiv and drug abuse, why is that?

Best answer:

Answer by Reknaw133
I think it’s because the equipement is cleaned and reusable. Somebody with HIV or a history of IV drug abuse would require disposable equipment.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Substance Abuse : How to Spot Signs of Cocaine Use – Signs of cocaine use include frequent sniffing, runny noses, frequent nose bleeds, bloodshot eyes, sweating, rapid speaking and changes in eating behaviors. Find out why noticeable weight loss may be a sign of cocaine use with help from an addiction specialist in this free video on substance abuse. Expert: Dr. Kim Makoi Bio: Dr. Kim Makoi has been a chiropractor in San Francisco for more than 11 years. He is also an addiction specialist. Filmmaker: Sam Lee


Teen prescription drug abuse: One Mom's Struggle

Filed under: signs of drug abuse

We don't think it can happen to our kids, so we say little, miss early warning signs and fumble opportunities to educate and protect our kids. During October and November, the Healthy Kids blog will look at this issue through the stories of former teen …
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