Baltimore Orioles: Does Josh Hamilton Waiting to Sign Help or Hurt?

Baltimore Orioles: Does Josh Hamilton Waiting to Sign Help or Hurt?

Filed under: free drug abuse help

… free agent market, it's certainly to be expected that he'll get the deal he's looking for. However, there's been speculation everywhere in the baseball universe about whether it will actually happen, given Hamilton's history with drug abuse and …
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Addicted to prescription drugs? There's a prescription drug for that

Filed under: free drug abuse help

A new prescription drug intended to combat prescription drug addiction is currently in clinical trials, and an ambitious pharmaceutical company is hoping to push the drug into the U.S. marketplace, where it could have billion-dollar potential. An …
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Students Pledge to be Drug Free

Filed under: free drug abuse help

The program teaches students the truth about drug addiction to help encourage them to live a drug free life. Deputy Robby McClure, who is the D.A.R.E. officer at Southeast, says, "It makes them aware of the facts, of the consequences for using drugs as …
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