Are There Any Mothers in Illinois Who Have Been Indicated for Substantial Risk of Harm Due to Substance Abuse?

Question by foxymixedmami: Are there any mothers in Illinois who have been indicated for substantial risk of harm due to substance abuse?
I have been indicated for substantial risk of harm because I had a positive drug screen. There are no other accusations against me, and I have no record. Dcfs has taken my children because of the drug screen alone. I feel that they have not conducted a thorough investigation and have caused more trouble for my family then ever. I am looking for others who feel they have been wrongly indicated for child abuse or neglect so that I can write a paper to the press and try to bring attention to this issue. I appreciate all of your feedback.

Best answer:

Answer by Mike R
It is a travesty of justice. The CPS are absolutely the scum of the planet and every bit the equal of the Gestapo. Why were you tested, was the substance meth? Don’t expect a lot of sympathy because people won’ take the time to think it through. I can see the day coming when they force nicotine screens on pregnant women and detain those who fail until birth. Then once they have a healthy baby they’ll let it go live in the ghetto so cops will have something to shoot in 20 years.

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Hope Shines in Fight Against Heroin Deaths, Drug Addiction

Filed under: Illinois Drug Abuse

Speakers represented law enforcement, drug counseling and those who have first-hand experience with addiction. One common message was that no neighborhood, no family is immune to the drug crisis. Heroin and drug overdoses have happened …
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Filed under: Illinois Drug Abuse, NewsCenter17, StormCenter17, Central Illinois News-Police: Eva Rausing's body was badly decomposed ….. The wealthy couple, who have four children, had struggled publicly with drugs while donating millions to anti-addiction charities.
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Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. being treated for "mood disorder"

Filed under: Illinois Drug Abuse

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